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English courses

Language barrier should not be an obstacle

We are pleased to announce the introduction of group courses in English for our driving program. These courses cover essential aspects such as understanding your vehicle and practicing appropriate traffic behavior. Upon completion, participants will be required to pass a theory exam before progressing to practical driving lessons.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us, or just come by the office.
We are looking forward to welcoming you.

Different types of practical training:

"You have two options for completing your practical training:

a) Complete a minimum of 18 driving lessons with one of our certified instructors.
b) Opt for 12 lessons with an instructor and supplement your experience by driving an additional 1,000 km with a friend or family member who has held their license for over seven years and has a clean traffic record from the past three years.

In the event that you choose the comprehensive training (option a) and find that the 18 lessons are insufficient, you have the option to acquire "L-Plates." This additional option does not require completing the 1,000 km driving requirement."
